Saturday, June 13, 2009

Th end of 3rd semester...

To continue my blogging...
3rd semester is officially OVER! Hooray.  This was absolutely the toughest semester for me.  I was separated from my best friends & group.  At first this was extremely tough, but in the end it worked out great.  I made some fantastic friends!  This photo is from my Maternity clinical group.  Our instructor, Lynette was absolutely AMAZING!  She made us act completely independent. I have learned so much. 

Now, unto 4th semester..... I am doing my clinicals at Valley Pres. for Pediatrics and St. Joes for Med-Surg.  Since im on vacation right now (im in utah) I was unable to pick the clinicals that i wanted.. oh well. 

After the final our class had a fundraiser planned at Elephant Bar in Burbank.  My class took over the patio.  We laughed and celebrated the end of the semester. While we were there Fiona (the med-surg instuctor) sent out an email to our class president stating that NOBODY failed. Of course everyone at that moment started cheering. We were all excited for them. We celebrated the night away.....

1 comment:

MoRgAn! said...

Congratulations! Way to go! You deserve all that celebrating for all the hard work you do!!